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Art Gallery


The work of Maria Cruz Urquijo was born of a deep biographical construction with nature.  The link with the sea and the land marked all his artistic process.  This creative process began in adolescense with its rootedness in Brasil , Paraty , where she was entering the world of photography and began to portray the landscape of organic forest.  

The landscape turned tactil, and so M.C. was born another language constituent the sculpture.


Formed with important teachers as Iole de Freitas and Jorge Gamarra, began to develop a sculptural language, physical and sensual from the contemporary polychrome carved wood.  This commitment will provide the color to the paint initiation accompanied by master Juan Astica.

His pictorical series was generated amalgamated sculpture , materializing in bas-relief of bodies frozen dance between the rack and timber.  Matter of the bush emerge feminine curves erotic and exotic perfumes.  Shes wooden sculpture mulberry, and  cedar blue, fresno areas are tactile ,soft and delicate surface.

The strength of the saw bodies transmuted into erogenous forms.  Trees rescued from the city are transformed into new beings dancing.

The first phase of his painting began in the territory of fusing body embossed contours built  by playful perception between figure and ground.  Later the painting is Landscape-Nature , logs in living color palettes inspired by the intense Brazilian Culture.

His pictorial formats geographies are created through the vertical perspectives cites Japanese, on the sea that recreate a mythology navy.
Sirens of the seas the cities to the ocean , body sculpture,landscape painting.
The trip by the work of M.C. takes us from city to Atlantic Forest , the “IBY APY” wich means “Place without Evil” Guarani name For Paradise

In this passage of purification ,an early archetype itself in hers later paintings: Women-Tree, cosmogonic symbol of rebirth.

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